Lars Johanson
Lars Johanson is a Swedish Turcologist and linguist, professor at the University of Mainz, Germany, and affiliated with the Department of Linguistics and Philology, University of Uppsala, Sweden.
He has been instrumental in transforming the field of Turcology, which was traditionally more philologically oriented, into a linguistic discipline. Apart from his contributions to Turcology, LarsJohanson made a number of pioneering contributions to general linguistics and language typology, in particular to the typology of tense, aspect and modality systems and the theory of language contact.
In the period of 1966–2024 he has published about 500 titles, books and scholarly articles. His most important books include Aspekt im Türkischen (Viewpoint aspect in Turkish), published in 1971, and Structural factors in Turkic language contacts, published in 2002. His recent publication, Turkic (Cambridge University Press 2021), constitutes a monumental thousand-page survey of all the Turkic languages in their synchronic, diachronic, typological, areal and cultural dimensions. He is the Chief Editor of Encyclopedia of Turkic Languages and Linguistics Online, published in 2022 by Brill. In 2022 he and Éva Á. Csató published the second revised edition of the standard reference book The Turkic Language (Routledge).
He has numerous publications also on Turkish literature. See his recently published book in Swedish Om min penna ägde kraften … En blick tillbaka på turkisk litteratur och kultur Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, 2024.
He is the editor-in-chief of the journal Turkic Language.
See more University of Mainz

Forthcoming. With Karakoç, Birsel & Csató, Éva Á. Turkisk grammatik. Stockholm.
In print. Bernt Brendemoens upptäckter på den turkiska dialektkartan [Bernt Brendemoen’s discoveries on the Turkish dialect map]. Dragoman
In print. With Csató, Éva Á & Karakoç, Birsel. Clause Chaining in Turkic. In: Sarvasy, Hannah S. & Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y. (eds.) Clause Chaining in the Languages of the World. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2024. With Csató, Éva Á. Kuman. In: Johanson, Lars (ed.) Encyclopedia of Turkic Languages and Linguistics Online. Leiden: Brill.
2024. With Csató, Éva Á. & Karakoç, Birsel & Nevskaya, Irina. The verb in Northeastern Turkic. In: Vajda, Edward (ed.) The Languages and Linguistics of Northern Asia. 2. Typology, Morphosyntax and Socio-Historical Perspectives. (The World of Linguistics 10.2.) Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. 919–1006.
2024. Om min penna ägde kraften … En blick tillbaka på turkisk litteratur och kultur [If My Pen had the Force … Looking Back on Turkish Literature and Culture]. Stockholm: Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul.
2024. Kipchak languages. Diachrony. In: Fleet, Kate et al. (eds.) Encyclopaedia of Islam Three Online. Leiden & Boston: Brill. ISBN 978-90-04-34081
2024. Editorial note. Turkic Languages 28: 1–2.
2023. Two-consonant conjuncts in Turkic runiform texts. Turkic Languages 27, 3–9.
2023. Transcriptions and abbreviations. In: Johanson, Lars (ed.) Encyclopedia of Turkic Languages and Linguistics Online. Leiden: Brill.
2023. Philologiae Turcicae Fundamenta. In: Johanson, Lars (ed.) Encyclopedia of Turkic Languages and Linguistics Online. Leiden: Brill.
2023. Jarring, Gunnar. In: Johanson, Lars (ed.) Encyclopedia of Turkic Languages and Linguistics Online. Leiden: Brill.
2023. Introduction. In: Johanson, Lars (ed.) Encyclopedia of Turkic Languages and Linguistics Online. Leiden: Brill.
2023. Editorial note. Turkic Languages 27: 149–151.
2023. Editorial note. Turkic Languages 27: 1–2.
2023. Doerfer, Gerhard. In: Johanson, Lars (ed.) Encyclopedia of Turkic Languages and Linguistics Online. Leiden: Brill.
2023. Documentation of Turkic in comparative linguistics. In: Csató, Éva Á. & Karakoç, Birsel (eds.) Language Documentation in Comparative Turkic Linguistics. Journal of Endangered Languages. Special Issue. 1–6.
2023. Deny, Jean. In: Johanson, Lars (ed.) Encyclopedia of Turkic Languages and Linguistics Online. Leiden: Brill.
2023. Code Copying. The Strength of Languages in Take-over and Carry-over Roles. (Brill’s Studies in Language, Cognition and Culture 38.) Leiden & Boston.
2023. Classification of Turkic languages. In: Johanson, Lars (ed.) Encyclopedia of Turkic Languages and Linguistics Online. Leiden: Brill.
2023. Benzing, Johannes. In: Johanson, Lars (ed.) Encyclopedia of Turkic Languages and Linguistics Online. Leiden: Brill.
2023. Aspect in the Languages of Europe. Ankara: Nobel.
2023. Adjectives. In: Johanson, Lars (ed.) Encyclopedia of Turkic Languages and Linguistics Online. Leiden: Brill.
2022. With Csató, Éva Á. Turkish. In: Johanson, Lars & Csató, Éva Á. (eds.) The Turkic Languages. London & New York: Routledge. 195–223.
2022. With Csató, Éva Á. (eds.) The Turkic Languages. Second Edition. (Routledge Family Series.) London & New York: Routledge.
2022. With Csató, É. Á. Code Copying and the strength of languages. In: Storch, Anne & Dixon, R. M. W. The Art of Language. Leiden: Brill. 302–315.
2022. The structure of Turkic. In: Johanson, Lars & Csató, Éva Á. (eds.) The Turkic Languages. London & New York: Routledge. 26–59.
2022. The history of Turkic. In: Johanson, Lars & Csató, Éva Á. (eds.) The Turkic Languages. London & New York: Routledge. 83–120.
2022. The Chuvash Aorist. In: Khabtagaeva, Bayarma (ed.) Historical Linguistic and Philology of Central Asia. Essays in Turkic and Mongolic Studies. (The Languages of Asia Series 26.) Leiden & Boston: Brill. 119–127.
2022. In memoriam Ingeborg Hauenschild (1936–2021). Turkic Languages 26: 3–4.
2022. Editorial note. Turkic Languages 26/1: 1–2.
2022. Editorial note. Turkic Languages 26/2: 1–2.
2022. East Old Turkic. In: Johanson, Lars & Csató, Éva Á. (eds.) The Turkic Languages. London & New York: Routledge. 132–144.
2021. With Csató, Éva Á. On the Turkish mnemonic past: An evidential category. In: Zimonyi, István (ed.) Altaic and Chaghatay Lectures: Studies in Honour of Éva Kincses-Nagy. Szeged: University of Szeged. 255–262.
2021. Turkic studies in the Swedish Empire 1632–1718. In: Csató, Éva Á. & Gren-Eklund, Gunilla & Johanson, Lars & Karakoç, Birsel (eds.) Turcologica Upsaliensia. An Illustrated Collection of Essays. Leiden & Boston: Brill. 34–46.
2021. Turkic (Cambridge Language Surveys.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2021. Tūjué yǔzú yǔyán jiēchù de jiégòu yīnsù. Beijing: Minzu. Chinese translation of Structural Factors in Turkic Language Contacts 2002. Pinjin: 突厥 语族 语言 接触的结构因素.
2021. Editorial note. Turkic Languages 25: 149–150.
2021. Editorial note. Turkic Languages 25: 1–4.
2020. With Csató, Éva Á. The Northwestern Turkic (Kipchak) languages. In: Robbeets, Martine & Savelyev, Alexander (eds.) The Oxford Guide to Transeurasian Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 370–391.
2020. With Csató, Éva Á. On discourse types and clause combining in Däftär-i Čingiz-nāmä. In: Zimonyi, István (ed.) Ottomans– Crimea – Jochids. Studies in Honour of Mária Ivanics. Szeged: University of Szeged. Department of Altaic Studies. 59–70.
2020. With Csató, Éva Á. & Karakoç, Birsel. Turkic language contact. In: Hickey, Raymond (ed.) The Handbook of Language Contact. Second edition. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell. 551–570.
2020. With Csató, Éva Á. & Gren-Eklund, Gunilla & Karakoç, Birsel] (eds.) Turcologica Upsaliensia. An Illustrated Collection of Essays. Leiden & Boston: Brill.
2020. Turkic in three language empires. In: Hauenschild, Ingeborg et al. (eds.) Eine hundertblättrige Tulpe. Bir ṣadbarg lāla. Berlin: Klaus Schwarz. 197–203.
2020. The classification of the Turkic language. In: Robbeets, Martine & Savelyev, Alexander (eds.) The Oxford Guide to Transeurasian Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 105–114.
2020. Isfahan – Moscow – Uppsala. On some Middle Azeri manuscript and the stations along their journey to Uppsala. . In: Csató, Éva Á. & Gren-Eklund, Gunilla & Johanson, Lars & Karakoç, Birsel (eds.) Turcologica Upsaliensia. An Illustrated Collection of Essays. Leiden & Boston: Brill. 167–179.
2020. Editorial note. Turkic Language 24: 155–156.
2020. Editorial note. Turkic Language 24: 1–2.