Att dö lycklig : mord, politik och otrohet (Signerad)
Boken är en svidande samhällskritisk deckare som utspelar sig i golfmiljö. Antihjälten Kurt Svensson, journalist och IT-konsult, står i centrum och är träffsäker och dräpande i sin kritik mot beslutsfattare, den socialdemokratiska samhällsstrukturen och myndighetsväsendet.

Encyclopedia of Turkic Languages and Linguistics Online. 2023. Leiden: Brill. Editor in Chief: Lars Johanson.
This is a unique and comprehensive reference work, offering a systematic treatment of the Turkic languages from Old Turkic to the languages and varieties spoken today.

Lars Johanson 2021. Turkic. Cambridge University Press
Written by a leading expert in the field, this landmark work provides an unrivalled overview of multiple features of Turkic languages.

Turcologica Upsaliensia. An Illustrated Collection of Essays. Edited by Éva Á. Csató, Gunilla Gren-Eklund, Lars Johanson, and Birsel Karakoç. Leiden: Brill.
The richly illustrated essays in the book tell the stories of scholars, travellers, diplomats and collectors who made discoveries in the Turkic-speaking world while affiliated with Sweden’s oldest university, at Uppsala.

Lars Johanson 2023. Aspect in the Languages of Europe. Ankara: Nobel.
This volume deals with the typology of verbal aspect in the languages of Europe in a wide geographic sense.

Lars Johanson 2023. Code Copying. The Strength of Languages in Take-over and Carry-over Roles. Leiden: Brill.
This book presents Lars Johanson’s Code-Copying Model, an integrated framework for the description of contact-induced processes.

The Turkic Languages 2021. 2nd edition. Edited by Lars Johanson and Éva Á. Csató. London: Routledge
This reference book brings together detailed discussions of the historical development and specialized linguistic structure and features of the languages in the Turkic family.

Éva Á. Csató, Lars Johanson, Birsel Karakoç and Nevskaya, Irina 2024. The verb in Northeastern Turkic.
In: Vajda, Edward (ed.) The Languages and Linguistics of Northern Asia. 2. Typology, Morphosyntax and Socio-Historical Perspectives. (The World of Lingustics 10.2.) Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. 919–1006. The chapter deals with the Turkic languages spoken in northern and southern Siberia and give a comprehensive account of their verb systems.

Language Documentation in Comparative Linguistics. 2023. Edited by Éva Á. Csató and Birsel Karakoç.
Special Issue of Journal of Endagered Languages. Volume 13: 23. Ankara. The volume presents case studies advocating for reasonable standardization of text representations and linguistic descriptions based on the international scholarly tradition in comparative Turkic linguistics.

Lars Johanson: The classification of the Turkic languages, 105–114. Lars Johanson and Éva Á. Csató: The Northwester Turkic (Kipchak) languages, 370–391.
In: Martine Robbeets and Alexander Savelyev (eds.) The Oxford Guide to the Transeurasian Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press. This is the most important reference work on the Transeurasian languages.

Lars Johanson and Éva Á. Csató: Grammaticalization in Turkic. 146–165.
In: Heiko Narrog & Bernd Heine eds. Grammaticalization from a Typological Perspective. 2018. Oxford University Press. This is the first volume to bring together the topics of grammaticalization and typology.

Ambiguous Verb Sequences in Transeurasian Languages and Beyond. 2020.
Éva Á. Csató and Birsel Karakoç (eds.) Turcologica 120. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. This volume presents a comprehensive analysis of ambiguous verb sequences and ways of teasing them apart, an issue that has never before been addressed in the typological literature.

Lars Johanson: Om min penna ägde kraften. En blick tillbaka på turkisk litteratur och kultur. 2024. Stockholm:
Svenska Forskningsinstitutet i Istanbul. The contributions by an international group of leading scholars discuss the historical and cultural relations of old and modern Turkic and Iranian languages.

Turkic Languages in Iran. Past and Present. 2014. Edited by Heidi Stein. Turcologica 100.
Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. Sohrab Dolatkhah and Éva Á. Csató: Vocalism in two Kashkay varieties of the Amaleh tribe. 101–120. Lars Johanson: A new analysis of West and South Oghuz personal clitics. 121–134. This book deals with Turkic linguistic varieties in the contact areas of West Iran and its neighboring regions.
Recent Publications
This is a unique and comprehensive reference work, offering a systematic treatment of the Turkic languages from Old Turkic to the languages and varieties spoken today.